About Troubadour Audio Production
There’s nothing quite like performing in front of your fans when everything is going well… the band sounds great, the stage balance is just right, you know that the sound coming out of the PA is exactly what you want your audience to hear and you look good!
You’re in the zone; your performance is fantastic. It all seems so effortless...
But then - we’ve all had gigs where things don’t quite go according to plan: times when you’re not quite feeling the vibes, or you’re just not wowing the audience the way you know you can...
As musicians ourselves, we’ve been on both sides of the fence that separates an okay gig from an amazing experience. A lacklustre performance can lead to a less-than-great audience response, lacking in engagement.
Bruce Springsteen: "When the audience is there with you, you feel invincible. It gives you strength you didn’t know you had."
Paul McCartney: "If the crowd is really quiet, it can be quite tough to get into the performance. You feed off their energy."
That’s where Troubadour Audio Production can step in to help!
We can offer:
Audio mixing and production
Audio mastering
Backing track production
Video production
Sound reinforcement
Lighting show design
Synchronised show production
We can offer sound polishing and reinforcement, as well as lighting for more intimate, grass-roots shows, borrowing stagecraft from larger venues and bringing it to the smaller theatres and stages and helping you engage better with your audience.
We can also help with the production of your own audio recordings (whether for use as backing tracks or promotion/release) and videos (for both back-of-stage projection and promotional purposes).
Troubadour Audio Production can help you achieve the profile and sound that every musician needs to get those all-important shows, working with you all the way!
For more details, and to find out what we can do for YOU, click on the button below!